So you currently have a long flight in a couple of days heading to the other side of the globe and you’re asking yourself what you’re going to do for all those hours on a plane…. should you catch up on your sleep or just get bored for 8 hours?
Believe it or not, I’ve been there several times. That’s why I’ve created this ultimate guide to surviving long flights. After reading this, you’ll accept long flights with open arms you’ll no longer dread them, I promise 🙂
I’ve made a free special downloadable “Things To Do On a Long Flight” list !
Download it by signing up below !
1. Always take your headphones

Chances are you won’t be far from a screaming baby or loud talkers. This is why you’ll always need a good pair of headphones so that you’ll be able to relax and shut out all the unwanted noises. Plus they are always better than the ones you get for free that are so uncomfortable and fiddly. Listen to your favourite tunes and admire the view, sounds relaxing!
2. Learn a new skill

Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill but never had the time to? You could learn the basic words of a new language (of the country you’re heading to preferably !!), memorize the flag of every country or even master a new hairstyle. The possibilities are endless…you just have to get creative!
3. Watch a movie in another language

Why not try and learn or improve in a new language 35,000ft from the ground? Most of the movies on board can be played in a bunch of languages so why not feel a bit crazy and watch The Hunger Games in Spanish or in French for example!
4. Play a game and beat the highest score

This is probably one of my favourite things to do during a long flight. I usually just choose a game from the flight screen and try to beat the highest score and it keeps me entertained for hours! You can choose Tetris, Who wants to be a Millionaire, Sudoku to name a few…
5. Get to know your neighbour

Who knows the person sitting next to you might just end up being someone who has a lot in common with you. Why not strike up a conversation with them (if they’re not asleep and seem open to starting a conversation)! You might meet your future travel buddy you can explore the country you’re heading to with or even soulmate……
6. Solve a puzzle

Have you always wanted to learn how to solve a Rubik’s Cube or be able to finish a sudoku or word search in one go? Then this is the pass-time for you. Take your puzzle book or Rubik’s Cube with you and it’ll keep you busy for hours.
7. Look out the window and take some pics

If you’re lucky enough to be sitting at the window seat, make sure to look out of the window and admire the amazing views. It’s not every day that you’re 35,000ft in the air seeing the world from a birds-eye view. Don’t forget to snap some pics for Instagram!
8. Read a book

A book might just be the ideal pass time for you. It’s not always easy to have enough time to read in your everyday life so why not spend most of the flight reading! You probably have that one book you never have the time to finish, well now is the time to do so!
My Tip: Why not read a travel guide about where you’re heading to learn all about the top things to do, where to eat, etc..!
9. Sleep
Luckily, on every long flight, you are provided with a cushion and a blanket to help you get comfy! Find the perfect sleeping position, put your seat back, put your headphones on and try to get some sleep.
10. Get creative !

Get in touch with your creative side by doing one of these :
1. Colour in a colouring book
2. Make an origami out of the waste paper bag
3. Write a story
4. Knit
5. Draw your surroundings
11. Start journaling

Here are a couple of ideas on what you can journal about:
1. What you liked/disliked about your trip
2. A list of things you are grateful for in your life
3. What you want your life to be like a year from now
4. Your ultimate bucket list
5. What you want to see/experience in your upcoming trip
6. In what way has this trip impacted you
12. Snacks and Water

On most long flights you’ll be able to help yourself to some free snacks and drinks in the back (plus this will keep you moving !!). Don’t worry if you’re eating cookies and drinking orange juice at 2 am while over the Atlantic Ocean, that’s all part of the experience…Feel free to also bring plenty of your own snacks!
13. Master the art of selfie taking

Why not document your flight by taking a photo of yourself, the beautiful view, what you are eating or your surroundings every hour or so! This can be a great way to remember the fun times you had on the plane and why not send the compilation to your friends and family when you arrive!
14. Use your phone as a distraction even with no wifi

Make sure to download a bunch of your favourite games on your phone to keep you entertained. It can be puzzle games like sudoku or even a quiz game! You can also sort out and delete all your unwanted photos and apps you’ve been meaning to do, this task will probably end up taking more time than you expected!
15. Explore the music world

From country music to classical music, pop, rap, jazz or even K-pop. the music world has loads to offer. So why not download a bunch of music from unknown music genres and listen to them to pass the time! You might end up discovering at least one you really like! On the in-flight screen, there are also plenty of albums you can listen to so don’t forget to give them a listen too!
I hope you will use these tips and tricks for your next long flight !
Which one was your favourite?
Sign up here to get your free “Things To Do On a Long Flight” list!

I do step number 14 all the time! However, I tend to run through all my games in the first hour and I’m left with nothing haha. However, reading a book is a really good idea because I’ve gotten lost in the pages before and made my flight seem super short. I loved the list and I’m looking forward to future blog posts!
Thank you so much for your feedback ! I am glad you liked my post.