Going on a trip is always so exciting, so many events happen, you experience so many new things yet when you are on the flight back you realize that in a couple of years to come, everything you experienced won’t be as vivid as now. You want to cherish all the memories you’ve made during your trips forever, but how? In this blog post, I’ll tell you the best ways to make the perfect travel memories so that you will never forget a single moment of what you experienced during your travels.
So let’s get started!
1. Buy souvenirs

This is probably one of the most touristy things to do but make sure to always buy at least one souvenir from the place you’ve travelled to. For example, I’ve always bought a magnet from every place/country I’ve been to. But it’s up to you, you can buy a t-shirt, a keychain or any random object that reminds you specifically of that country/place. That way, when you look at that specific object, all the memories from that place will come flooding in.
Buying food is even better though! Go to the local supermarkets and see what you can find, a drink, a snack or anything that looks good and that you would want to try! Of course, it doesn’t last as long as an actual souvenir like a magnet or any other object, but it’s definitely a must!
2. Journal about your trip
Always take a journal with you on your travels!! Bring it everywhere you go, write down things you see, what you eat, what you experienced, your thoughts, your emotions while doing new things, basically everything. After every day, write down a summary of your day in detail, so that you can read it back whenever you want and remember exactly everything you did.
3. Take Polaroid photos

Taking photos with your phone or camera is always a must when travelling as you want to capture everything you find fascinating and beautiful. But you should definitely take Polaroids photos as well, as it makes the moments stand out more. Since you only capture specific moments with a Polaroid camera, it makes those moments more special and it’s a great way to capture the best experiences.
4. Draw what you see

As well as taking a journal to write down what you did during each day etc.. it’s a good idea (if you like drawing or sketching) to take a sketchbook with you to draw what you see. For example, you’re sitting in a restaurant with an amazing view of the Colosseum. Take out your drawing book and sketch out what you see. This way it makes you look more closely at your surroundings making your brain remember it more!
5. Keep your trip tickets
I definitely have always done this and always will. Keep every ticket from every place you go to. Whether it’s your plane ticket, the entrance ticket to a museum or even the business card of the restaurant you’ve been to. Put then all in a box and name it with the place they come from. This way, when you feel like travelling mentally back to that place you can get them out and look at them all again to remember each place you went to.
6. Do some scrapbooking
Since you’ve now kept all the tickets, cards, etc.. from your trip and have taken loads of photos it’s time to make a scrapbook of your trip! Just grab an empty book and tell the story of your trip through pictures and random objects that you can stick all over the scrapbook!
7. Vlog your trip
Taking photos is definitely one of the best ways to keep memories forever. But what about video? Vlogging/videoing your trip might just be the best way to be able to relive what you experienced during your trip!
Check out my blog post on how to take unique photos while travelling here!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you have any other ways you make your travel memories last forever let me know in the comments!
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